How Generative AI Will Crush Mediocrity

Will AI Replace Your Job?

Shashank Thakur
Geek Culture


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of discussion and debate in recent years, with its rapid advancement posing both opportunities and challenges for various industries. One of the significant concerns raised by the emergence of AI is the potential for job displacement, as machines and algorithms become more proficient in performing tasks that were once exclusive to humans. Basically, any job that humans did and that requires average skill will be impacted by AI. In this blog, we will explore the risks of job replacement due to AI, the industries most at risk, and potential solutions to mitigate these risks.

Impacts of Generative AI in Different Fields

Generative AI, also known as creative AI or artificial creativity, has already had a significant impact on humans in various ways, including:

1. Art and Music

The fields of arts and music are undergoing a significant transformation as Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly reducing the need for human involvement. With technological advancements, AI is now capable of creating original art pieces and composing music independently, thereby greatly reducing the dependency on human input. This development has tremendous implications as it allows for the creation of high-quality works at a faster pace and at a lower cost, without requiring significant human effort. AI-generated art and music have been showcased in exhibitions and concerts, and some have even been sold for high prices.

2. Entertainment

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the entertainment industry by reducing the need for human involvement. With advancements in technology, AI is now capable of generating high-quality content like movies, TV shows, and games without significant human effort. This has led to faster production times, lower costs and personalized experiences for consumers. However, the growing role of AI in entertainment has also raised concerns about the impact on human creativity and the potential for job displacement. As AI technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how the entertainment industry adapts to this paradigm shift, balancing the benefits of automation with the need for human involvement and creativity.

3. Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on businesses, particularly in industries that involve repetitive tasks or require a high degree of accuracy. With the help of AI-powered machines and algorithms, businesses can automate various processes and functions that previously required human involvement. This automation has resulted in reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved accuracy, leading to higher profits and better customer satisfaction. However, this has also resulted in fewer job opportunities for humans, and businesses must find ways to retrain their workforce to work alongside machines or pivot to new roles that require human skills that cannot be replicated by AI. Overall, AI has become an essential tool for businesses looking to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving economy.

4. Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been transforming the healthcare industry by automating various processes and functions that previously required human intervention. AI-powered medical devices and algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, providing quick and accurate diagnoses that were previously impossible. This automation has resulted in reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved patient outcomes. For example, AI-powered robots can assist surgeons during complex procedures, reducing the risk of human error and improving surgical precision. Additionally, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide patients with personalized medical advice and triage, reducing the burden on healthcare professionals and increasing access to healthcare services.

5. Education

Generative AI has the potential to significantly reduce the need for human involvement in the education process. With the ability to generate diverse content, AI can provide personalized learning experiences for each student without the need for human intervention. This can free up educators from time-consuming tasks, allowing them to focus on more important aspects of teaching. AI-generated content can also provide real-time feedback to students, helping them identify areas where they need improvement without the need for human grading. Furthermore, the development of adaptive learning platforms can reduce the need for human intervention in tailoring education to each individual student. In conclusion, generative AI has the potential to make the education process more autonomous and efficient, reducing the burden on human educators.

6. Software

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on software development has been profound, particularly in reducing the need for human involvement in many tasks. AI-powered tools and algorithms can analyze data, identify patterns, and generate software code automatically, freeing up human developers to focus on more complex tasks. This automation has resulted in increased efficiency and reduced costs for businesses.

After reading so far you might think, AI and its impact on humanity and various fields will surely affect our day-to-day job. So let's try to address the elephant in the room.

Will AI really take your job and replace you?

The answer to this question is yes and no.

Yes, it is true that AI can take over human jobs, especially in the context of simple repetitive tasks. With advances in technology and artificial intelligence, machines can be programmed to perform routine tasks faster and more accurately than humans. This not only saves time and resources but also reduces the risk of errors that can occur due to human fatigue or oversight. Moreover, machines can work continuously without the need for breaks, making them more efficient in carrying out repetitive tasks. Therefore, in cases where jobs involve monotonous and repetitive work, AI can be a useful tool to assist humans or even replace them entirely, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

No, While AI has made significant advancements in recent years, it still cannot replace human jobs that require high levels of skill, expertise, creativity, and critical thinking. These types of jobs often require human intuition, judgment, and adaptability, which machines currently lack. Furthermore, humans have the ability to learn and improve from experience, while AI systems can only perform tasks based on pre-programmed instructions. For instance, jobs such as doctors, lawyers, scientists, artists, and engineers require years of education, training, and experience that cannot be easily replicated by machines.

So what is the solution?

I remember a phrase my mom used to tell me

Run in a race where you will win

In simple words you have to really good at what you do, being average or mediocre won’t cut it. If you are highly skilled, AI won’t be able to replace you. So how does one becomes highly skilled? Well, it boils down to doing what you love doing from within rather than doing things just to follow people. For eg, if you are not interested in being an engineer and you are studying engineering, you will never be good at it and end up being an average or below-average engineer. Look inside yourself and realize what your heart really wants, once you figure that out and if you pursue it, you will excel in it and nobody can replace you including AI. So you will win the race when you compete.

In my opinion, the ability of AI to do the average-skill job will crush mediocrity and push humans towards excellence and doing something they are really good at rather than doing something for the sake of doing. Being great at what you do, not only makes you irreplaceable but also puts you in the driving spot to adapt to AI changes for the future. Also, it will empower you to guide the next generation of AI that can better assist humans.

